
April is Full!

By Janiece Sarduy, Publisher April 8, 2022

April fools is over, although some like to continue the shenanigans all month, I'm definitely not kidding! lol 

Seriously, can we believe its April already?! 

Every year, April seems to be packed and filled with activities. Could it be spring energy? I mean it's Ramadan, Easter, Earth day, spring break, etc... There is so much to do and our events calendar shows it!

Spring is a time for growth and new life and its a good time to try something new! Check out our events calendar and go to one of the many community events going on this month. Be sure to let me know your experience! As always feel free to share any events that are not on there that you think are family fun worthy! 

Lastly, I like living in the moment but I am here to help your year be a little bit more fun, so keep your eyes out for the best summer camps to choose from this summer!