
What to do when a storms a comin'?

Hurricane & Tropical storm season

By Janiece Sarduy, Publisher July 8, 2021

Well there is the obvious and that is, prepare for the storm! But I am talking about after you have done all the safety prep and then stuck inside.   It's tropical storm and hurricane season here in Miami and that keeps us inside a loooot. As parents, cabin fever is real, especially after the year we have had! 

Here are some tips to not go B-A-N-A-N-A-S   

Look for online/virtual events (You can find those on our site under events;) and fun ideas for inside (instagram has great pages for creativity at home - keep an   out for my next weekly newsletter as I suggest some great pages for this!)

Now is a good time to catch up with family and friends you haven't seen in a while via zoom or facetime   

Its a great time to catch up with friends or family you haven't seen in a while 

Lastly, getting creative is one of my favorite past times growing up in the midst of a hurricane. Recently, my daughter made up a game called CONFETTI. 

She literally found some old tissue paper (I save them for the next gift I give out) and cut them up in pieces. She made up the rules and came up with the idea and I just helped make it happen. One person is the confetti thrower and the other players have to make sure not to be touched by any of the confetti! She was so excited and we had so much fun! 

It encourages their creativity, leadership, team building skills and best of all it boosts their self esteem! 

I hope this inspires you to have your kids come up with a fun new game! You will be surprised what they come up with!